Queniborough Voluntary Group Call: 0116 326 6984
Website: bit.ly/queniborough-volunteers
Email volunteers@queniborough.org
Upcoming Colourful events to light up the Village and help the Rainbows Hospice and Caroline’s Cause.
More details in the next Gazette/Online/Posters etc
Halloween Scare-Venger Hunt, 31st Oct (4-8 pm)
Enjoy a safe walk around the village collecting clues with the aid of our trail leaflets. They will cost a £1 donation and once completed can be entered into a prize draw. Prizes for best dressed children+adults. We’ll want lots of people to put clues in their windows to add to the fun.
More details can be found here - Scare-Venger Queniborough “Guy Lights” Weekend 6-7th Nov
Organisations/Groups/Households will be making guys to display in their front gardens. Who will your guy look like? Add some lights, cheer up the dark nights. Online Raffle (prizes include spa day for two).
Look out for the Trussell Trust Food Collection boxes.